Angular Apps: Top 7 Web Application Examples, Advantages, and Considerations
/Angular is a leading development tool for building sophisticated web apps. Check out the top applications fueled by this Google-backed platform and learn about its strengths and weaknesses. Angular is a household name in the front-end development industry and the key competitor of React (aka ReactJS). As one of the leading web development frameworks, it […]
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CSS Class Override: How To Add Custom Styles The Right Way?
/In CSS, class overriding allows developers and designers to control web page styles. Find out how it works and how to use it for adding custom styles. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to style documents written in markup languages, such as HTML, XHTML, or SVG. It defines styles for web pages and […]
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Bots with Python 101
/ | Leave a CommentAs we continue to embrace the digital age, we encounter countless innovative solutions that improve our daily lives, making mundane tasks more efficient, or even automating them entirely. One such innovative solution is the ‘bot’, a broad term that has various definitions depending on the context in which it is used. In its essence, a […]
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