Data Analysis

Scala vs Python: What’s Better for Big Data?
In the world of big data processing and analytics, choosing the right programming language is crucial for efficient data management and effective decision-making. Python and Scala are two popular programming languages used in data science projects and processing, each with its unique strengths and features. This article will explore the key differences between Python and […]

Predictive Analytics: Retail Industry Use Cases
Retail businesses have always been driven by data, whether it’s sales figures, inventory levels, or customer behavior. With the rise of predictive analytics, retailers have the ability to analyze large volumes of data to uncover data-driven insights and patterns that can help them make more informed decisions. Predictive analytics is a branch of advanced analytics […]

Python Web Application Examples. Top 7 Cases
Python lies at the heart of many leading web applications. Businesses and programmers love this language for its simplicity which, paradoxically, facilitates the development of very complex systems. Find out how top big tech companies use Python in their platforms. Python is the language of choice for data scientists, machine learning experts, and backend developers. […]

Economy business cycle prediction using LSTM neural networks
Economy as a whole goes through business cycles that consist of alternating expansions and contractions. It is not immediately obvious what cycle the economy is currently in; it is difficult to tell if it is at the peak of an expansion or the trough of a contraction. The ability to predict economy cycles would be […]

How to build an effective drug recommendation system?
If we want to create a recommendation system for a service or platform we can approach the goal in many ways. Looking at the current trends, in particular the fashion for deep learning, we may be impressed that the use of only very complex algorithms will result in success. However, it is not so. We can apply […]
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