Project Management, Technologies & Case Studies
How top companies utilized decentralized microservices development to accelerate software product delivery.
Netflix opened the microservices Pandora box somewhere around 2009. By 2026, it is estimated that the global microservices market size will reach over $3 billion.
Microservices, a good fit?
Understand the benefits and caveats of microservices to see if they fit the stage of your business.
How Conway’s law and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) are paving the way for microservices design.
The right architecture is responsible for microservices implementation success. Storage, communication, and other topics inside.
The flourishing stacks, tools, and frameworks behind microservices. Just to name a few: Golang, Kubernetes, Kafka, Prometheus, etc.
The right architecture is responsible for microservices implementation success. Storage, communication, and other topics inside.
3 migration case studies, with: - ups and downs - learning - happy endings.