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    Tech Project Review & CI/CD Audit in the nutshell

    Learn more about the values and processes behind a good technical project review and CI/CD audit from our free downloadable guide.

    Vital of software development

    A technical project review brings several valuable benefits to your product and is an inseparable part of software development regardless of the model. It provides a thorough assessment of the project's technical state, enabling stakeholders to gain a holistic understanding of its strengths, weaknesses, and potential risks. This knowledge allows organizations to make informed decisions and prioritize resources effectively, ensuring that the project aligns with business goals. 

    Accurate technical debt assessment

    A technical project review helps identify and address any technical debt, ensuring a stable and maintainable codebase and CI/CD pipelines. It also facilitates performance optimization, scalability improvements, and identification of opportunities for innovation or technology updates. 

    Huge impact on strategic planning

    A technical project review enhances project transparency, fosters collaboration, and boosts team morale by providing constructive feedback that promotes growth and learning. Ultimately, the value of a technical project review lies in its ability to guide strategic planning, mitigate risks, and lay the foundation for successful project outcomes.

    Staying competitive 

    The constant advancements in technology, evolving customer demands, and ever-changing market trends necessitate a thorough assessment of technical projects. A technical project review ensures that businesses stay up to date with the latest industry standards, adopt best practices, and align their projects with the dynamic IT landscape. It serves as a critical checkpoint to identify any gaps, vulnerabilities, or inefficiencies in the project, enabling organizations to address them promptly and stay ahead in the market. 

    Download the “Comprehensive Guide to Technical Project Review”

    • You’ll learn what constitutes a good Technical Project Review
    • Find out all the positives that come from a thorough Tech Review
    • Learn step-by-step process to perform a good Technical Project Review
      that will provide you with actionable insights

    Process breakdown

    How we perform Technical Project Review & Infrastructure Audit

    Although the entire process of preparing and performing a technical project review or an infrastructure audit looks different depending on your product complexity, tech stack, and size, the general idea can be captured in three steps.


    Defining the project objectives

    We will interview you about your project, its objective, reasons for performing the tech review, and ask you for any documentation related to your digital product tech side. The more thorough we get here, the better we understand what we need to look for. Moreover, this will help us choose the right senior software engineers for the job – ones that fit your tech stack, industry, and app type.


    Codebase and CI/CD analysis

    We analyze the findings from the assessment to identify gaps, risks, and areas for improvement. The analysis of your project is performed by senior software engineers and DevOps engineers with extensive experience in your technological stack. We focus on critical issues that need to be addressed to enhance the project's technical state as well as consider the impact of these gaps on project deliverables, timelines, and overall success.  


    Building a report

    We then cross-check and summarize the findings in a technical project review report that emphasizes the areas of strengths, weaknesses, and potential risks. We include an action plan with propositions of changes or improvements we find necessary. Additionally, the report features recommendations for technical upgrades and changes that can help transform technical weaknesses into strengths or optimize your product infrastructure making it more cost-efficient.

    When is a Technical Project Review typically needed?

    There are a few reasons that solidify a technical project review as one of the mainstays in modern software project management. However, there are situations in which the project should be reviewed with special care and attention.

    Before project kick-off
    Conducting a Technical Project Review before starting a project helps evaluate the feasibility of the project from a technical perspective. It allows for an assessment of the chosen technology stack, identification of any gaps or limitations that may impact project success, and determination of the necessary resources, such as skilled developers or specialized hardware.
    During the project lifecycle
    Reviews can be conducted at various stages during the project's lifecycle. This can include regular reviews after the completion of each development iteration (e.g., sprints in Agile methodologies) to ensure that the technical aspects of the project are on track. It can also involve reviews prompted by the occurrence of technical issues or challenges that have a potential impact on the project's outcome or timeline.
    When your project experiences unknown issues
    In a market that often rewards rapid product releases, it is common for products to experience a lot of technical debt. A tech debt that with each new release only grows larger. You might not have the necessary resources to pay of that debt or your available inhouse engineers are not up to the task – whatever the reason, a thorough Technical Project Review is a necessary first step towards a better, more competitive and cost-effective digital product.
    Hiring a software company with enough experience might give you the needed resources and expertise to fix this situation.
    Before a major release
    It is advisable to conduct a Technical Project Review before a major release or launch of a product or system. This aims to assess the technical readiness of the project, ensure that all required features and functionality have been implemented correctly, and validate that the project meets the necessary performance, security, and quality standards before it is delivered to users or clients. This review can help identify any last-minute issues or provide recommendations for further improvements.
    After major updates or changes
    A Technical Project Review may be needed after implementing major updates or changes to a project. This could include significant modifications to the architecture, integration of new technologies or third-party services, or making major enhancements to existing functionality. Reviewing the project after such changes ensures technical continuity and verifies that the updates have been implemented correctly without introducing regressions or unforeseen issues. By conducting Technical Project Reviews at these critical points in the project lifecycle, organizations can proactively detect and address technical challenges, ensure the project meets the required technical standards, and provide a solid foundation for successful product or system delivery. It helps to assess the project's health, identify potential risks, and make informed decisions to improve the technical aspects of the project.
    Before project kick-off
    Conducting a Technical Project Review before starting a project helps evaluate the feasibility of the project from a technical perspective. It allows for an assessment of the chosen technology stack, identification of any gaps or limitations that may impact project success, and determination of the necessary resources, such as skilled developers or specialized hardware.
    The values you get and outcomes you can expect
    A comprehensive Technical Project Review provides stakeholders with valuable insights and data-driven recommendations, enabling informed decision-making. By evaluating the project's technical aspects, you gain a better understanding of its status, potential risks, and areas for improvement. This allows you to make decisions that enhance the project's success and address technical challenges more effectively. Furthermore, project reviews foster collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and technical experts. Engaging in discussions about challenges, solutions, and improvements encourages the sharing of expertise and perspectives, leading to better problem-solving and alignment on technical decisions. Increased transparency and accountability are also important outcomes of Technical Project Reviews. By providing visibility into the project's technical progress, challenges, and proposed solutions, reviews promote transparency and ensure that everyone involved is aware of the project status and committed to addressing technical issues. Moreover, conducting a project review helps optimize resource allocation by assessing technical requirements, dependencies, and bottlenecks. This analysis allows for strategic decisions that allocate resources effectively, address critical technical needs, and ensure timely project delivery.
    Conducting a regular Technical Project Reviews works like a "pulse check" for any product company.
    Project reviews also align stakeholders on the project's technical direction, goals, and priorities. By sharing insights, recommendations, and addressing concerns collaboratively, you ensure that stakeholders are aligned on technical decisions and support the project's trajectory. Managing technical risks proactively is another advantage of conducting a Technical Project Review. By identifying vulnerabilities, performance bottlenecks, or compliance issues, you can implement risk mitigation strategies, strengthen security measures, and ensure the project's technical aspects are robust and resilient. Additionally, project reviews contribute to a culture of continuous improvement by providing feedback, lessons learned, and best practices for future projects. Reflecting on past reviews, implementing recommendations, and incorporating feedback into development processes drive ongoing improvements in technical quality, efficiency, and effectiveness. Ultimately, a well-performed Technical Project Review equips you with insights and strategies to enhance project delivery. By addressing technical challenges, ensuring code quality, optimizing performance, and mitigating risks, you can improve overall project success, meet stakeholders' expectations, and deliver high-quality solutions on time and within budget. In summary, a well-performed Technical Project Review offers a range of benefits, including improved decision-making, enhanced collaboration, increased transparency, optimized resource utilization, stakeholder alignment, risk management, continuous improvement, and enhanced project delivery. Leveraging insights and recommendations gained from project reviews allows you to effectively navigate technical challenges, drive project success, and deliver high-value solutions that meet stakeholders' needs.
    A well performed Technical Project Review can foster a culture of pro-active problem solving and goal-oriented mindset.

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    We have over 20 years of experience in the global IT market. Most of our long-term clients are US-based fast-growing businesses that find our collective software expertise one of our strongest points. We have a proven track record of delivering high-quality future-proof technical solutions that perfectly meet our clients’ business needs.
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