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    The Importance of Quality Assurance 
and Pre-launch App Testing

    Beating the market 

    QA and pre-launch testing help enhance the quality and reliability of a product. By thoroughly testing the product at various stages of development, potential bugs and errors can be identified and fixed, ensuring that the final product meets the desired standards of performance and functionality. This helps build customer trust and confidence in the product, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    Good user 

    Pre-launch testing is essential for identifying and addressing any compatibility issues. Products need to work seamlessly across different platforms, devices, and operating systems. Through testing, developers can ensure that the product performs optimally under various environments, ensuring a positive user experience regardless of the platform being used.


    Pre-launch product testing helps save costs in the long run. By identifying and resolving issues early on, potential product recalls or the need for extensive fixes can be avoided, saving both time and resources. Finding and fixing issues during the testing phase is also less expensive compared to doing so after the product has been launched.

    Staying competitive 

    QA and pre-launch testing contribute significantly to building a positive brand reputation. Launching a high-quality product that is thoroughly tested demonstrates a commitment to delivering excellence and meeting customer expectations. A reliable and well-tested product helps establish trust and credibility among customers, leading to positive word-of-mouth referrals and potential business growth.

    Download the “Pre-launch Product 
QA Essentials”

    • Learn about essential practices during planning, executing, and reporting QA
    • Find out about all the reasons not to skip on thorough application testing
    • Use the structure and guidelines to prepare a professional Master Test Plan

    Process breakdown

    How we perform 
Product Testing

    Although the entire process of preparing and performing a pre-launch product testing looks different depending on your product complexity, tech stack, and size, the general idea can be captured in three steps.


the objectives

    We will interview you about your product, its objective, backlog, and ask you for any documentation related to your digital product tech side. The more thorough we get here, the better we understand what we need to look for and what needs to be tested. Moreover, basing on the contents of the analysis we will prepare and present a Master Test Plan for your application.


    Product testing 
and QA

    We test the application against its backlog and documentation trying to find and assess gaps, risks, and areas for improvement. The analysis of your project is performed by senior QA engineers and DevOps engineers in needed. We focus on critical issues that need to be addressed before the launch.


    Building a report

    We then cross-check and summarize the findings in a QA Test Report that emphasizes the risks, security dangers, and any critical bugs.  Additionally, the report features recommendations for upgrades and ways to replicate the found bugs. Our senior manager will then set up a meeting to present the findings, ensuring that stakeholders and team members can understand the insights presented and take necessary measures.

    Why is QA often overlooked?

    There are several reasons why people may not test their products enough before launching them

    Time Constraints
    One of the most common reasons for not testing products thoroughly is time constraints. In a competitive market where speed-to-market is crucial, there may be pressure to launch products quickly to stay ahead of competitors. This may result in limited time allocated for testing, leading to inadequate testing coverage
    Budget Limitations
    Testing can be a resource-intensive process that requires time, effort, and financial investment. Limited budget allocation for testing activities may prompt organizations to cut corners or reduce testing scope to save costs, which can result in insufficient testing before launch.
    Misunderstanding the Importance of Testing
    Some individuals or organizations may underestimate the significance of thorough testing in ensuring product quality. They may not fully grasp the potential impact of releasing a product with undiscovered defects on customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and overall success in the market.
    Overconfidence in Product Quality
    Some individuals or organizations may underestimate the significance of thorough testing in ensuring product quality. They may not fully grasp the potential impact of releasing a product with undiscovered defects on customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and overall success in the market.
    While good development team will often employ tools such as TDD to ensure the best possible quality of the code, the testing should still be executed by a trained QA engineer.
    Lack of Testing Expertise or Resources
    Sometimes, there is a perception that the product is already well-built and that it is unlikely to have significant defects. This overconfidence can lead to complacency and a belief that extensive testing is unnecessary, resulting in a lack of thorough testing before launch.
    Pressure to Meet Deadlines
    Deadlines and launch dates set by business executives or stakeholders can create pressure to deliver the product on time. This pressure may lead to compromises in the testing process, with a focus on meeting deadlines rather than ensuring the product is thoroughly tested.
    A badly tested product launched on deadline may cause more harm than good.
    Fear of Finding Defects
    Testing often reveals defects and issues that need to be addressed. Some individuals or teams may be hesitant to conduct extensive testing because they fear uncovering a significant number of defects that could delay the launch or require substantial rework, impacting timelines and budgets.
    How to approach product testing well?
    Establish Clear and Measurable Objectives
    The first step in setting up an effective QA process is to establish clear and measurable objectives. Ensure that those objectives align with the application's intended functionality, performance benchmarks, and quality standards. This helps provide a clear direction for testers and ensures that testing efforts are focused and purposeful.
    Use a Structured Testing Approach
    Implement a structured approach to testing, such as the use of test plans, test cases, and test scripts, to ensure thorough coverage of the application's functionalities and features. This helps identify and capture potential defects and ensures consistency in testing efforts.
    Conduct Both Manual and Automated Testing
    Some individuals or organizations may underestimate the significance of thorough testing in ensuring Utilize a combination of manual and automated testing approaches. Manual testing allows for exploratory testing, identifying usability issues, and performing complex test scenarios that may be challenging to automate. Automated testing helps accelerate repetitive and regression testing, reducing effort and increasing efficiency.
    Implement Test-Driven Development (TDD)
    Incorporate TDD principles into the development process by writing tests before writing the actual code. TDD helps in defining requirements, improving code quality, and promoting a test-first mindset within the development team.
    Perform Risk-Based Testing
    Prioritize testing efforts based on a risk assessment. Identify critical functionalities, potential failure points, and areas with a higher probability of defects. Focus testing efforts on these high-risk areas to mitigate potential risks and ensure the application's stability and reliability.
    Ensure Comprehensive Test Coverage
    Strive for comprehensive coverage by testing various aspects of the application, including functional testing, performance testing, security testing, usability testing, and compatibility testing across different platforms and environments. This helps uncover defects in different areas and ensures the overall quality of the application.
    Collaborate and Communicate Effectively
    Promote collaboration between the development, testing, and operations teams to ensure a clear understanding of requirements, prioritization of tasks, and timely identification and resolution of issues. Clear and effective communication helps in reducing misunderstandings and ensures smooth coordination across teams.
    Continuously Monitor and Improve QA Processes
    Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of the QA processes. Collect feedback from testers, developers, and end-users to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes. Embrace a culture of continuous improvement and learning to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the QA process over time. These best practices help organizations maximize the effectiveness of their QA efforts, ensure the quality and reliability of applications, and ultimately deliver a superior user experience.

    NG Logic?

    We have over 20 years of experience in the global IT market. Most of our long-term clients are US-based fast-growing businesses that find our collective software expertise one of our strongest points. We have a proven track record of delivering high-quality future-proof technical solutions that perfectly meet our clients’ business needs.
    World-class software talent pool
    Thorough approach 
to product testing
    Senior engineers with extensive experience
    Eager and proactive software experts

    They have trusted us

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      • 400 Concar Dr
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      • Nowogrodzka 31,
        00-511 Warsaw, Poland

        Grzybowska 60,
        00-844 Warsaw, Poland
      • 80 Tigran Mets St.
        0005 Yerevan, Armenia