Scrum: How to Work Together


With the popularity of the scrum framework among software development teams, it’s growingly important to learn how a scrum team works to meet its goals. Scrum Process Overview Scrum is an agile project management framework widely used in IT but can be applied to other fields as well. The framework facilitates the management of complex […]

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event storming

Event Storming: How to Boost Your Software Development Process with a Simple Technique?


Event storming is a dynamic workshop technique that supports domain-driven design in software development. It can boost the team’s efficiency and reduce error risk, minimizing the back-and-forth in the development lifecycle. If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’re probably familiar with the concept of brainstorming. It’s a widely used term for the process […]

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rails vs sinatra

Rails vs Sinatra


In the rapidly evolving world of software development, web frameworks have become essential tools for building robust and scalable web applications. These frameworks provide a structured environment that streamlines the development process, offering pre-written code, libraries, and guidelines that help developers avoid repetitive coding tasks, thus significantly enhancing productivity and ensuring best practices. Within the […]

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android webstockets

Introduction to Android WebSocket


WebSockets have become a pivotal technology in enabling real-time communication for Android apps, offering a dynamic way to send and receive messages instantaneously. This technology facilitates a persistent connection between the client (Android app) and the server, bypassing the traditional HTTP request-response model to allow continuous data flow through a single TCP connection. The WebSocket […]

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smart contracts audit

Introduction to Smart Contract Audits


In the blockchain world, smart contracts are key to decentralized applications (dApps), automating transactions and enforcing agreements without intermediaries. These contracts handle significant digital assets and perform crucial operations, making their security paramount. Smart contract audits are thus essential, scrutinizing the contract’s code for vulnerabilities to prevent potential security breaches. These audits are crucial for […]

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What is Python Used for in Finance

Embracing the Essence of Scrum: The Indispensable Values for Agile Teams


In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, Agile methodologies like Scrum have become the cornerstone for many teams striving for adaptability and efficiency. While Scrum offers a comprehensive framework and great agile tools, it is the underlying values that truly breathe life into the process. During The Sprint What Scrum Value Must The Team Demonstrate […]

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Optimization Testing: The First Step towards Better Efficiency


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, optimization testing emerges as a pivotal strategy, playing a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of software projects. At its core, optimization testing is a process aimed at streamlining the testing phase of software development, ensuring that the functionality, reliability, and performance of software products are […]

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web app speed

Revisiting Web App Speed


The performance of a web application can either encourage or deter user interest. Businesses should prioritize performance improvements to enhance the overall user experience and maintain user interest. Let’s delve into a mixture of development optimization, marketing, and… cognitive sciences? All for the sake of providing a smooth user experience. What Is Web Application Speed? […]

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types of supervised learning

Types of Supervised Learning: A Look Into One of Key Branches of ML


Supervised machine learning, a pivotal branch within the vast domain of machine learning, represents a paradigm where machines are trained to decipher patterns and make decisions based on provided examples. This learning approach hinges on the use of labeled data – datasets where input data points (features) are paired with the correct output (target), thereby […]

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software development stages

Software Development Life Cycle. How to Handle a Multi-Stage Software Development Process?


Creating a system that performs complex functions requires more than rock-solid expertise. You need a structured approach that will help you achieve your software development goals as efficiently as possible. Software development is a long, complex, and tedious process ridden with challenges. Common issues include incomplete requirements, changing project scopes, poor communication, unrealistic deadlines, insufficient […]

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data science for finance

Data Science in Finance: Who is a Data Scientist and What They Do?


In the dynamic world of finance, staying ahead of the curve requires more than just traditional methods. As technology continues to evolve, the role of data science becomes increasingly crucial in deciphering complex financial landscapes. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of data science in finance, its applications, the responsibilities of financial data […]

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gregg castano news direct

How to Pick a Good Software Partner? Q&A with Gregg Castano of News Direct  


A few years ago, we had the opportunity to work with News Direct on developing their platform. After carefully analyzing their needs, we’ve helped them design the system and developed a microservices-based architecture incorporating state-of-the-art modern technology allowing for communication using both synchronous and asynchronous calls to ensure high system flexibility and scalability. The main […]

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cert pinning android

Mobile Development and Security: Certificate Pinning on Android


In today’s increasingly interconnected digital world, the importance of security for mobile apps and web services cannot be overstated. As cyber threats evolve, so must the defenses and measures we deploy to safeguard sensitive data and maintain trust. One of the pivotal practices in enhancing network security is certificate pinning, a technique that ensures a […]

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product sprint

Product Sprint For Design: Develop Ideas Fast

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Markets abhor a void, and sometimes your development team or company is faced with presenting a working solution to a fresh need almost on the go. Luckily, there is a product design sprint methodology that allows your team to answer complex business questions in a surprisingly short time. What Is The Design Sprint Process? The […]

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product roadmap example

Which Way To Go – Product Roadmap Example And Insights

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A quick overview of product roadmaps, not only for product managers. Briefly, What Is A Product Roadmap? A product roadmap is a visual representation that outlines a product development and evolution over a defined period, serving as a communication tool to align stakeholders around the product’s direction, goals, and milestones. In general terms, the roadmap […]

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how to secure bluetooth devices

How to Secure Bluetooth Devices?

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In today’s interconnected digital era, our lives are continuously shaped, molded, and improved by the innovative technologies we embrace. Every once in a while, a technological advancement emerges that becomes so deeply embedded in our routines that it’s hard to imagine a world without it. Bluetooth, a wireless communication protocol, is certainly one such marvel. […]

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platform native

Platform-native vs. cross-platform vs. hybrid development. How to develop an app?

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Creating a flawless mobile app is a challenge in many ways. For starters, you need to choose the right approach. We explain how to decide between native, hybrid, and cross-platform mobile app development. Developing an app can take anything from a few to over ten months, depending on the project’s complexity and the development team’s […]

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ux review

UX review: How to Perform a Usability Audit and Why it’s Important

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User experience is crucial for the success of any digital product. A properly conducted UX review can help you identify flaws in your app’s or website’s design and fix them. Find out how a usability audit works and what you can gain from it. It’s hard to overestimate the impact UX has on business. According […]

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prototype vs proof of concept

Prototype vs Proof of Concept: A Dive into Digital Product Development

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In the realm of product development and innovation, two terms are often bandied about with great fervor – ‘Prototype’ and ‘Proof of Concept’ (POC). These methodologies play pivotal roles in transforming an abstract idea into a tangible product, serving as critical stages in the pathway to commercialization. However, these terms are frequently misunderstood, often interchanged […]

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What is Python Used for in Finance

What is Python Used for in Finance?

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As we delve into the digital age, the fields of finance and technology have become intricately intertwined, birthing an innovative hybrid sector known as financial technology, or “Fintech.” As this sector expands and evolves, one programming language stands at its epicenter, powering the development and execution of numerous innovative applications — Python. In a world […]

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angular advantage

Advantages of Angular in Web Development

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Angular is one of the most widely used frameworks for building amazing UIs. It can speed up the development process and save a lot of costs. Find out about its features, key advantages, and limitations. Angular is a leading open-source front-end framework for developing web applications and one of the most popular software development tools […]

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python vs scala

Scala vs Python: What’s Better for Big Data?

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In the world of big data processing and analytics, choosing the right programming language is crucial for efficient data management and effective decision-making. Python and Scala are two popular programming languages used in data science projects and processing, each with its unique strengths and features. This article will explore the key differences between Python and […]

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product recommendation system

Product Recommendation: Machine Learning and Recommender Systems Filtering Types

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, personalization has become a key factor in enhancing user experiences across various online platforms. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the use of recommender systems. These sophisticated algorithms have revolutionized the way we discover and engage with content, products, and services, anticipating our needs and […]

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smart retail

Smart retail solutions: how can they help your business grow?

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Smart technologies are transforming the retail industry at an increasing rate. Brick-and-mortar stores are going digital to drive more sales and keep up with the competition. Find out about top solutions fueling retail growth and how they can benefit your business. Blockbuster, Borders, Barnes & Noble, Sears, and Toys R Us are but a few […]

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