Hosting for Django? Here’s what you need to know.

3 March 2023
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Django is a robust web framework for Python that enables programmers to swiftly build web apps. But once you’ve built your application, the next step is to get it online and available to the world. That’s where hosting comes in. In this article, we will explore the various options available for hosting Django applications.

Types of hosting for Django hosting services

Shared Hosting: Shared hosting is the most basic type of hosting and is the most affordable. It works by allowing multiple customers to share the same physical server, which helps to reduce costs. This type of hosting is great for small applications or applications that don’t require a lot of resources.

Shared hosting is the least expensive option for hosting a Django application. This can be a great option if you don’t need a lot of control or customization over your server environment.

Dedicated Hosting: Dedicated hosting is the most powerful type of hosting and it provides an entire server exclusively to a single customer. This type of hosting is great for applications that require a lot of resources or have high traffic.

Dedicated server hosting is the most expensive option for hosting a Django application, but with a dedicated server, you have dedicated hardware and resources, and you have complete control over the server environment.

VPS Hosting: VPS hosting is similar to shared hosting but it provides more control and flexibility. This type of hosting is great for applications that require a high level of customization or for applications that need to be able to scale quickly.

With a VPS, you have access to a virtualized environment where you can install software and configure the server as you wish.

Cloud Hosting: Cloud hosting is a new type of hosting that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It allows applications to be hosted on a cloud platform, which provides greater scalability and reliability. This type of hosting is ideal for applications that require a lot of resources or that need to scale quickly. It’s also a good option if you need to deploy your application to multiple regions.

Django hosting services

Some popular Django hosting providers include Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku, DigitalOcean, and PythonAnywhere. While the first three are the biggest cloud-based Django hosting providers and the most expensive, the last three are more budget-friendly.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS is an incredibly versatile and functional Django hosting provider. It has a highly adjustable construction kit and provides an array of services such as data storage, content delivery, database management, networking, load balancing, and auto-scaling. Additionally, it is equipped with analytics, mobile development, testing, developer, and management tools with security services. This hosting server is designed to cater to the needs of Amazon clients, but anyone else can use it too. It is perfect for web professionals, business enterprises with offices in different countries, and companies that need an extensive range of features.


  • A highly customizable and comprehensive set of tools
  • Variety of services provided
  • Easy to set up and use
  • Security services included
  • Ability to scale up or down
  • Analytics and mobile development tools included
  • Ability to automate processes


  • Can be expensive depending on the usage
  • Can be difficult to manage without an understanding of the AWS platform
  • Limited customer service and support unless paid for


It is worth highlighting Microsoft’s Azure as a Django hosting platform. Azure offers a wide variety of services and features, including auto-scaling, load-balancing, and other options. It is also more cost-effective than many other Django hosting solutions. Notably, Azure is built to provide a secure environment for your Django application. This is done via Azure’s App Service Environment, which provides a fully isolated and dedicated environment for running web apps.


  • Easy to scale up or down as needed
  • Free Django hosting services
  • A hybrid cloud environment, which allows you to connect your on-premises infrastructure to the cloud


  • A complex platform, which can make it challenging to set up and manage
  • Can be more expensive than other cloud providers, especially if you are not taking advantage of its full range of features
  • A smaller number of availability zones than AWS

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

The Google Cloud Platform is a comprehensive product offering a wide range of tools for computing, storing, and analyzing big data, as well as machine learning and more. This service is primarily designed to meet the needs of large enterprises. Additionally, it provides cloud storage as an alternative for individuals and businesses seeking secure document storage off-site.


  • Strong performance in analytics and data storage
  • Compatibility with other Google products
  • A $300 free credit that can be used over 12 months


  • A relatively high monthly support fee of around $150, a charge of $0.12 per GB for retrieving data from Google Cloud Storage
  • A complex pricing structure that makes it difficult to predict expenses
  • Fewer features and productivity than AWS infrastructure

If you are looking to host a Django app and are willing to pay for high-quality support from Google, then the Google Cloud Platform is worth considering. The pricing is relatively low, with the Regional class costing $0.020 per GB per month and the Coldline class costing $0.007 per GB per month. Overall, the Google Cloud Platform is a strong contender for Django website hosting.

Affordable Django hostings


Heroku is a cloud-based hosting platform that is widely used by Django developers for deploying web applications. It offers a free plan for hosting small Django applications, and its paid plans start at $5 per month. Heroku supports Python out of the box and offers a wide range of add-ons that can be used to extend your application’s functionality.


  • A simple and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to deploy and manage Django applications
  • A scalable infrastructure that can handle high-traffic volumes
  • Offers a wide range of add-ons that can be used to extend your application’s functionality


  • A fully-managed hosting platform means that you have limited control over the underlying infrastructure
  • Limited customization options compared to other big hosting providers
  • Limited storage options, which can be a disadvantage for applications that require large amounts of storage


PythonAnywhere is a web-based hosting platform that is designed specifically for Python developers. It offers a free plan that can be used to host small Django applications, and its paid plans start at $5 per month. PythonAnywhere provides a fully-managed platform that includes web servers, databases, and other essential services required to run a Django application.


  • A free tier that allows developers to host small Django applications at no cost
  • Full shell access, which allows developers to execute commands and install packages on the server
  • Supports a wide range of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite


  • May not be as scalable as other hosting providers, which can be a disadvantage for applications that require high scalability
  • Limited access to server logs, which can be a disadvantage for developers who need to troubleshoot issues or debug their applications
  • Limited CPU and memory resources, which may not be sufficient for larger applications or applications that require high performance


DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting provider focused on simplicity, ease of use, and web hosting. It offers various services including virtual private servers, object storage, load balancers, and managed databases. DigitalOcean is particularly popular with developers and small businesses who are looking for an affordable and easy-to-use cloud hosting solution.


  • Affordable pricing plans, with plans starting as low as $4 per month
  • For free with a $200 credit
  • Known for its high-performance infrastructure with fast network speeds and low latency


  • Targeted at small businesses and developers and may not offer all the features required by larger enterprises
  • Does not offer all the enterprise-grade security features required by larger businesses
  • A limited geographic coverage


Is Django a web server?

No, Django is not a web server. Django is a web Python framework that provides a set of tools and libraries for building web applications.

A web server is a software application that listens for incoming requests over the internet and responds to those requests by serving web pages or other resources. Examples of web servers include Apache and Nginx.

Django is designed to work with various web servers to serve web pages and other content. When a request comes into a Django application, the Django framework processes the request and generates a response, which is then sent back to the server. The server then sends the response back to the client that made the request.

Will I need a software engineer to install Django on my hosting provider’s servers?

If you are planning to host a Django application on a hosting provider, you will need some technical expertise to install Django and set up your application properly. While it is possible to install Django on your own, it may require some knowledge of Python and web development.

Most hosting providers offer tools and documentation to help you install Django and set up your application. However, the level of support and guidance provided can vary depending on the provider.

Can I create a Django site or Django app on the hosting provider’s servers?

Yes, you can create a Django site or Django app on a hosting provider’s servers. To do so, you will need to choose a hosting provider that supports Python and Django, and then follow the provider’s instructions for installing and configuring Django on their servers.

Most hosting providers offer tools and documentation to help you install and set up Django on their servers. Once Django is installed, you can use it to develop and deploy your web application just as you would on your local machine.

What is the best Django hosting?

There is no single “best” hosting for a Django provider, as the best option for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Some factors to consider when choosing a hosting provider for Django include:

  1. Cost: Hosting providers can vary greatly in cost, so it’s important to choose a provider that fits your budget.
  2. Performance: The performance of your Django application can be affected by factors like server speed, RAM, and storage. Look for a Django hosting provider that offers reliable performance and fast loading times.
  3. Scalability: If you anticipate that your application will need to handle a large volume of traffic, you’ll want to choose a Django hosting provider that can scale to meet your needs.
  4. Support: Look for a hosting provider that offers good customer support, with knowledgeable staff who can help you troubleshoot any issues that arise.
  5. Features: Some hosting providers offer additional features like automated backups, SSL certificates, and load balancing. Consider which features are important for your specific use case.

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