Logo Java

  • a robust, object-oriented, multithreaded, and high performance programming language
  • provides a rich set of libraries
  • Java's features make it an excellent choice for microservices
  • code portability makes the maintenance easier and time-efficient

logo GO

  • is a compiled language which makes it fast
  • has a garbage collector which helps with memory management
  • is statically typed which can help with catching errors
  • has simple syntax which can make it easy to learn

Logo Python

  • a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language
  • free and open source. It has a large community and many libraries and tools
  • easy to learn and use. It is readable and has a concise syntax
  • scalable, meaning it can be used for large or complex applications.

Logo Swift

  • more reliable and faster than Objective-C, the previous standard for iOS and macOS development
  • is more readable and concise than Objective-C, making it easier to maintain and debug
  • provides safety features that prevent certain types of programming errors from occurring
  • open source, meaning that anyone can contribute to the language and improve it

Logo React

  • free and open-source front-end JavaScript library
  • created for building user interfaces based on UI components
  • maintained by Meta and a community of individual developers and companies
  • used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications

Ruby on Rails

  • concise and efficient framework, allowing developers to create web applications very quickly
  • follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which helps keep code organized and maintainable
  • compatible with many different database systems, making it easy to deploy applications to a variety of environments


  • Python-based free, and open-source web framework
  • flexible for customizing websites to meet clients’ specific needs
  • focused on security and includes a number of features that help to protect websites from common security threats
  • can be used to power small websites as well as large, complex websites


  • framework for Java-based enterprise applications
  • provides a consistent programming model across different application domains
  • provides a lightweight container that is easy to deploy and scale
  • extensible and adaptable to new technologies


  • TypeScript-based free and open-source web application framework
  • provides a great way to organize and structure code
  • flexible can be used to develop a wide range of applications
  • used by large companies to build build enterprise applications


  • open-source JavaScript web framework
  • suitable for large enterprise projects
  • provides two-way data binding, built-in router, and debugging tool
  • allows developers to create scalable single-page web applications

Agile Agile icon

  • a method of project management that divides a project into several phases
  • requires ongoing stakeholder cooperation and ongoing stage-by-stage improvement teams go back and forth between planning, carrying out, and evaluating

Kanban Kanban icon

  • a method for creating, maintaining, and improving knowledge work flow systems
  • enables enterprises to drive evolutionary transformation by beginning with their current process

Waterfall Waterfall icon

  • throughout the project phases, progress is made progressively toward the end using the software development process
  • gathers analysis, design, coding, testing, integration, and maintenance requirements while going through the phases

Six Sigma Methodology icon

  • systematic process that uses fact-based, statistical decision making to drive continuous improvement
  • recognizes and eliminates the cause of errors and reduces process variability
  • helps organizations to reduce cost and improve profitability

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